New to First Coppell?

All are welcome.

Sundays at 9:00am // Ministry Center

Modern Worship

This service provides an atmosphere where people from all ages and walks of life can personally engage with God to be transformed.

Our modern service offers a casual vibe with relevant teaching, modern worship music, prayer, community, and opportunities to show compassion for those in need.


Sundays at 11:00am // Sanctuary

Traditional Worship

This service honors tradition while providing a comfortable worship style that is designed for people of all ages and in all stages of their faith journeys. In traditional worship you will find engaging preaching, classical liturgy, and choral music.

Sundays at 5:00pm // Rotunda

South Asian Worship

The service provides a Traditional Worship for the South Asian Community by our South Asian pastor offering God’s Word, the Lord’s Table, Hymns, and Prayers in the convenience of the evening and in English so that all can participate together. (Enter through the double glass doors located at the North end of the Sanctuary/Main Building at 420 S. Heartz Road). 

Getting Here

Location & Directions

Sanctuary/Main Building               Ministry Center
420 S. Heartz Road                             425 S. Heartz Road
Coppell, TX 75019                               Coppell, TX 75019

Have little ones?

Loving nursery care is offered at both services for infants through four year olds.

When you arrive

What to Expect


Kids have several options on Sunday mornings, including nursery care for ages 0-4, Sunday School for grades K-5, as well as joining their parents in corporate worship.


There are special parking spaces reserved for guests near the entrances to both the main Sanctuary building and the Ministry Center.


Come as you are! There is no dress code so please dress in any style that is comfortable for you.


Our greeters are here to help you find what you need. You can also find information at the Welcome Centers in the foyers of both worship spaces.


Join us at 10:00 AM for coffee, donuts, and conversation in Wesley Hall, adjacent to the sanctuary.

Life Groups

Children, youth, and adults meet at 10:00 AM in designated rooms for small groups to learn and fellowship together in between services.

Let us know you’re coming!

Plan Your Visit

Let us know you're coming!

We love welcoming guests, so let us know you’re coming and we’ll make sure you and your family feel right at home!

9 + 3 =

looking for what’s next?

Next Steps

Are you new to First Coppell or just want to know more about this community? Come visit our Next Steps class on the last Sunday of every month! During the Life Group time at 10:00 AM, visit with a pastor and explore Christian essentials, Methodist practices, and ways to engage your faith as we continue growing together in Jesus Christ. 


Still have questions?

Get in touch!

Rev. Sumesh Jacob
Associate Pastor