Students (6th–12th graders) are invited to join us every Sunday morning in the Ministry Center. We have a casual gathering in between worship services to share a short devotional and enjoy a few donuts (of course!).
The Table gets its name from the Methodist practice of an “open table” at communion: everyone is welcome at the Lord’s table. Through worship, fellowship and fun, our hope is to prepare youth to go forth in the world living empowered by the love and grace of Christ.
6-8th Grade: 5:30-6:30pm
9-12th Grade: 7-8pm
Through weekly Life Groups meetings students can expect to gain knowledge on how to use the Bible as a tool for building their personal theology and cultivate deeper relationships with their peers that will encourage them on their faith journey.
Upcoming Events
Various Dates Sunday Evenings
Join us on September 8th, October 6th, November 3rd, and December 8th for youth worship on Sunday evenings. Worship, a message, sharing in communion, and growing in our relationship with God. All are welcome as we worship God and partake in communion. For more information contact Rev. Caleb Brimmage
September 22, 6-7:30pm
Join us for an “old fashioned” style of student ministry on the 22nd for dinner, a group game, and a devotional given by our Director of Modern Worship, Dan Alle. For more information contact Rev. Caleb Brimmage
September 29, 6-7:30pm
Nothing sounds better than a potluck dinner surrounded by people who love you and want to have fun! Bring your favorite dish and come be apart of our student’s potluck on September 29th. For more information contact Rev. Caleb Brimmage