About Us
Mission & Vision
Our Mission
Grow in God’s grace.
Love with all our heart.
Serve with all our strength.
At First United Methodist Coppell, we strive to be a community that seeks to grow in God’s grace, love our God and our neighbors with all our heart, and serve the city of Coppell, surrounding communities, and the world.
Our Vision
One Growing Family In Christ Sharing, In God’s Love, With All Our Neighbors
To become a place where each person that walks through our doors feels…
They are BELOVED
Every person is a BELOVED child of God.
Everyone BELONGS in this community.
They can BECOME
This is a place where each of us can BECOME who God created us to be.
looking for what’s next?
Next Steps
Are you new to First Coppell or just want to know more about this community? Come visit our Next Steps class on the last Sunday of every month! During the Life Group time at 10:00 AM, visit with a pastor and explore Christian essentials, Methodist practices, and ways to engage your faith as we continue growing together in Jesus Christ.