About Care & Support

We want to love and support all who enter our doors. From support groups and prayer ministry to one-on-one caregiving by a Stephen minister, First Coppell is here for you.

Support Groups

Caregiving Heroes

The mission of Caregiving Heroes is to provide support and education to family and friends in our community who are assisting loved ones with aging or other concerns.


Caregiving Heroes Coppell Facebook Group

Monthly – 1st Saturday of the month at 10 am in the Church Library

Monthly newsletter

For more information contact
Marilyn Horton

Grief & Healing

A six-week support group for persons who have experienced the painful death of a loved one – to work through the grief process, grow through the loss, and find support from others. Meets bi-yearly for six-weeks. Next session starting January 8, 2023.

For more information contact

Sumesh Jacob

Congregational Care

The Congregational Care Ministry provides compassionate, caring concern through personal contact with members of the church family who are experiencing personal or extended family illness, death or difficult times.

Cards of Caring

Cards of caring and encouragement are sent to members experiencing illness, difficult times, or the death of a loved one.

Funerals / Memorials

This ministry team helps provide a comfortable, warm and meaningful setting for mourning families, including providing ushers and receptions.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Prayer blankets are made and given to members and immediate family of members who are experiencing chronic or long-term debilitating health challenges.

Get Involved

If you’re interested in joining one of these ministries or volunteering to provide care — or if you would like to receive care, please contact:

Amy Richardson
972-462-0471, ext. 210.

Stephen Ministry

We all experience challenges in life—times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. This ministry provides one-on-one Christian caregiving by lay church members trained to be Christian caregivers. Stephen Ministers have gone through 50 hours of specialized training and are ready to provide emotional and spiritual care to persons going through difficult times and life changes.

Stephen Ministry is strictly confidential, available at no charge, and typically includes a weekly, hour-long meeting. To receive care from a Stephen Minister, please conact sm@fumccoppell.org.

Prayer Ministry

Rosenburg Prayer Chapel

Named in honor of Rev. John Rosenburg who served as Sr. Pastor of First Coppell for 9 years, the Rosenburg Prayer Chapel contains the stained glass window from the original church building and offers a quiet place to pray in the midst of the business of life. The Chapel is open 24 hours a day and located on the East side of our building (enter from the ramp entrance) just across from the Nursery.

Biggerstaff Prayer Garden

Named in honor of Rev. Jo Biggerstaff who served as Deacon at First Coppell for 8 years, the Biggerstaff Prayer Garden and Labyrinth are accessible 24 hours a day, providing a place to relax, renew and recharge with the sights and sounds of God’s beautiful creation all around.

Email Prayer Group

This group receives the Prayer List each week via e-mail and prays individually for all persons and concerns on the list.

For more information contact Kay Thomas.

Prayer Requests

We would love for you to share your joy or concern with us. Any and all prayer requests are welcome. All requests will be kept confidential and shared only with our pastors and/or one staff member. Please let us know if you’d like to include your request on our public prayer list.

There are 3 easy ways to submit a request:

1. Send your prayer request to prayers@fumccoppell.org
2. Call the church office at 972-462-0471
3. Submit your request using the form below. 

Prayer Requests

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