
In the Community

Serve in the Community

Community Food Program

The Coppell Cares Weekend Backpack Program is designed to help eliminate food insecurity for the children who attend CISD schools. The program provides nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack items to eligible CISD children (and siblings) over the weekends during the school year when they are not receiving meals at school. There are two ways to volunteer: shop or pack food.

Click here to find out more about our Community Food Programs.

Weekend Backpack
Sack Summer Hunger

Volunteer to pack (click here)

Contact: Sally McCurdy,

Austin Street Center

Austin Street Center provides safe shelter and meets the basic needs of the most vulnerable homeless. FUMC Coppell provides breakfast for our homeless neighbors on Saturdays, donate items, and find seasonal opportunities to serve.

Contact: Fawn Marshall,



Christian Community Action (CCA)

Serve at the food pantry, donate food, or find special opportunities to serve during the holidays.

We sack groceries at the CCA Food Pantry on Mill Street in Lewisville on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Click here to sign up.

Contact: Leslie Hicks,

Current donation needs:

canned vegetables
canned chicken & tuna
canned / bottled tomato sauce
canned soup
pasta / dried beans / rice
mac & cheese
peanut butter
hamburger helper

Project Transformation

Project Transformation (PT) which is a ministry of the United Methodist Church. Project Transformation provides both after-school and summer programs in underserved communities.


Contact: Julia Moomau,


Come and learn how to sew and create gifts for various needs in our community, then bless and deliver.

Coppell Cares

Helps families & individuals in our community who have needs driven by financial challenges through our School Team, Community Resource Team and Community  Food Program.

Click here to find out more about Coppell Cares.


Metrocrest Social Services

Donate food items, volunteer in the food pantry or Christmas store, help with transportation needs of the local elderly.



Contact: Sally McCurdy,

Carter BloodCare

Give the gift of life to others in our community by donating blood at First Coppell a few times a year

The next blood drives will be 9 am to 1 pm on the following dates:

January 19th

April 13th

September 21st 





Mission Mobility

Mission Mobility collects previously used durable medical equipment and provides it to those in need. All equipment provided is free of charge, although monetary donations are welcome.

Once equipment is no longer needed by its recipient, they may choose to either keep it or re-donate it for others to use. Please click here for donations and requests.


Get in touch

General Inquiries / CCA
Leslie Hicks
Chair of Missions

Project Transformation
Julia Moomau

Metrocrest Social Services
Sally McCurdy