Capital campaign
Bright Hope for Tomorrow
“Bright Hope for Tomorrow” is a capital stewardship campaign to secure the resources our church needs to move forward in our mission. Our goals are:
reduce our current debt of $2.8 million
raise capital for campus improvements for our children
reinvest debt service into an enlivened discipleship ministry that engages our growing community
A Message from Pastor Tom

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are we starting a campaign now?
FUMC Coppell has a proven track record of abundant generosity. Our church community has demonstrated its commitment to the call of God, time and time again. In this season, we believe that God is clearly calling us to pursue a bold plan to retire debt and cultivate vibrant ministry with children and our broader community.
How much is the campaign goal?
The campaign goal will be announced on Sunday, April 24. Church leadership is currently working with architects and other professionals to determine those figures.
How do I make a commitment?
Complete the commitment card you receive in the mail in a few weeks, fill it out, and turn it in during worship on Commitment Sunday, May 15. Or you can easily make a pledge online.
Your campaign commitment is not a contract, but a simple statement of intent. For church financial leaders, knowledge of what dollar amounts to expect is critical to planning wisely for future expenditures. Should changing circumstances require you to alter your giving plan, just call the church financial office and adjust the amount up or down.
When do I begin giving toward the campaign?
The three-year giving phase begins on a special day we are calling “First Fruits Sunday.” We invite you to bring at least one week’s worth of your campaign commitment on First Fruits Sunday, May 29.
How much and how often should I give?
How much you give is a private decision that we urge you to reach only after prayerful consideration of what “not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice” means to you.
You determine your giving schedule, but we encourage you to make it regular. Most people will give monthly; some will give quarterly, semi-annually, and a few give once a year.
Inspired by the hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” we hold fast to the promise of God’s faithfulness and steadfast provision.
All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
4/24 Vision Sunday
9am brunch followed by 10am joint worship service. Following the service, there will be a butterfly release.
Week of 4/24 Campaign Communication
Receive detailed communication about how Bright Hope will transform our community.
5/1 Prayer Sunday: True Excellence
Celebrate our ministries through worship and song.
5/8 Faith & Giving Sunday: Sowing Bountifully
Celebrate our ministries through worship and song.
5/15 Commitment Sunday: The Greatest ROI
Invest as a family of faith in vibrant ministry at our church.
5/29 Announcement Sunday/ First Fruits
Reveal the spiritual decisions made by the congregation.We invite you to bring at least one week’s worth of your campaign commitment as a “First Fruits” gift.
Church/campaign staff are available to answer your questions by phone, email, or in person.