“Did you know that United Women in Faith have five Regional Missionaries who serve in their home regions in the world? They work with church, ecumenical, and grassroots
Event Details
“Did you know that United Women in Faith have five Regional Missionaries who serve in their home regions in the world? They work with church, ecumenical, and grassroots partners in educational and empowerment programs for women and youth. Though they have a home base, unlike other General Board of Global Ministries missionaries, they do their work throughout a larger area. Currently three serve in Africa, one in East Asia & Pacific Islands, and another one in Latin America.
On September 25th from 9:30-11am, Finda Quiwa, serving primarily in Liberia, will be visiting Hannah Circle. All women are invited to join in this special opportunity. Plan on gathering in Wesley Hall to learn about how Mrs. Quiwa is working in Liberia as well as how we support her and the other Regional Missionaries around the world.
To make sure we have enough chairs for our guests please let us know you’re coming by emailing Nancy Monroe at nrmonroe@msn.com.