January funds are designated for the Costa Rica Mission trip in March 2023. We have 28 youth and adult missionaries from FUMC Coppell signed up for the trip! We will be working at the Methodist Church in La Fortuna to complete the construction of a children’s classroom. We will also be conducting VBS programs for children in impoverished communities. Each missionary on the team pays their own airfare/food costs, but we depend on support from our church congregation to purchase the necessary construction materials which are estimated to be $5,000 – 7,000. Please join us as a “virtual” missionary by providing financial support for the trip!
Make checks payable to FUMC with memo “Costa Rica” or you can TEXT 2 GIVE. Text to 73256 with subject line as FUMCC. You will receive a link and simply follow the instructions.
Questions, contact Rev. Beth Kellner (bkellner@FumcCoppell.org) or trip co-leaders Sam Duff (fumccostarica@gmail.com) and Steve Moomau (steve_moomau@yahoo.com).